Monday, January 2, 2012


My school started off so awkwardly. This new girl heather sat next to me on the bus. She just kept talking and I just sat there hoping for her to stop. When I got to school everybody was giving me nasty looks. They all new what had happened at the party. I knew from  the moment got there that people were not going to like me.
Its Halloween. My parents told me that I’m to old for trick-or-treating which is a good thing. I didn’t want to tell them that nobody invited me to go trick-or-treating with them. I ended up staying home. Rachelle is going to her friends party and I knew I wasn’t invited to that.
Thanksgiving was a disaster. My parents both tried to make the turkey and it just didn't come out right. My mom wouldn't cook it unless it was in the microwave. My dad ended up cutting it up with an axe and he screwed it up even more. I ended up bringing the turkey bones to school. I used them for my art project.
Christmas ended being not so bad. I got a great present from my parents. It was an art kit. It turns out mom and dad do pay attention to me because they must have noticed me drawing. I also got a TV and ice skates.
Its my first day back at school after winter break. I really didnt want to go back to school i knew kids were going to keep saying things. Hopefully its going to start of easy and we dont get alot of work.
It’s Valentine's Day and everybody seems so happy. I’m sure I am not going to get a card. When I get to my locker I surprisingly find a card taped to it. The card is from Heather. When I opened it, it said the worst thing ever. She said she didn't want to be friends with me anymore. I couldn't believe it.
Overall the school year went by pretty fast. I got hated on a lot through out the school year. There were good times and bad times but I managed to get through it. I believe that my life throughout high school will be easier from now on since people actually know the truth.

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